February 2024 - And So Goes Another Winter

“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.”

-Albert Camus

I know it’s still February and I don’t want to jinx us just yet, but I can see the finish line from here, and it looks glorious! We did it. We survived another one. And how about this? Spring forward is on March 10th. That’s right. The trees are on the verge of blossoming, birds are starting to chirp in the distance, and with this beautiful weather we’ve been having, it feels like socializing is making a comeback. Anyone else not really feel like doing anything these last few weeks? I know, anything seems exhausting. The re-emergence of the sun and warmer temperatures gives us a nice and much needed boost of energy and a newfound appreciation for having survived another winter stint.

Month 2 Fatigue

“February is the border between winter and spring.”

-Terri Guillemets

I feel like I fall into a similar pattern every year. Get a nice little break over the holidays, hit it super hard in January and focus all my energy on work and then halfway through February, I crash. It’s hard folding up the laptop and calling it a day when you’re stuck inside and there’s nothing else to do but work. We put so much pressure on ourselves to reach these lofty goals we set at the beginning of the year and need a reminder that it’s a marathon and not a sprint. I feel like I’m constantly trying to knock off items from a never-ending to-do list but need to implement a consistent stopping time and that whatever comes up, we can get to the next day.  Maybe one day I’ll be better at incorporating more consistent balance off the bat but for some reason it usually takes this realization at the end of February when spring starts to rear its head. I’m also trying to be better about taking breaks from my cell phone and going outside whenever the weather allows. Living in TN and experiencing all 4 seasons is primo for growth and reflection but that doesn’t mean it’s easy! However, it does provide a huge sense of accomplishment once we make it here, and guess what? We’re here!   

Good Times on the Horizon

“Life is all about having a good time.”

-Miley Cyrus

After the hibernation of the winter and the onset of spring, it’s time to bust out and go have some fun. It’s good for you and a necessity to spend time with friends and not stay holed up in your house all the time. Get some laughter, you won’t regret it. You just can’t beat this time of year!


March 2024: Focus on What You Can Control, Not What You Can’t


January 2024: Another Long, Dry January