April 2023

Plan Your Next Adventures

“Life is happening for me, not to me.”

-Tony Robbins

With the onset of Spring and Winter in the rearview, it’s time to start having some much-needed fun. Sometimes the best thing you can do when you feel like you’re stuck in your routine is break out and go on a trip. Nothing crazy, just something with plenty of time outdoors and with good friends who make you laugh and remind you that whatever you’re beating yourself up about at work is relative and not what’s most important in your life. Whenever I feel like I’m focusing on what I don’t have, I have to slap myself back to reality and count my blessings for all that I do. Being able to see and experience new places with old friends and having good times is how you maintain a positive outlook on life and remain open to receiving the good fortune that you rightfully deserve.

Sometimes You Just Need to Close Your Laptop and Go Play 9 Holes

“Golf is the closest game to the game we call life. You get bad breaks from good shots; you get good breaks from bad shots – but you have to play the ball where it lies.”

-Bobby Jones

Ever feel like you’re not getting anything done even when you’re exhausting yourself trying to hammer out your to do list? It’s the worst and can be very frustrating. It’s much better when you’re locked in and crushing your items versus staring at it. The difference in confidence is apparent to everyone you encounter when you catch a wave and go on a hot streak. Good fortune just seems to fall out of the sky and you can do no wrong. It’s comparable to going on a heater at the casino where you just can’t lose. And vice versa when you’re cold, you can’t seem to get anything to stick. The most important thing to remember is to stay positive in both moments and rather than resenting the bad fortune, welcoming the challenge that causes you to find ways where you can improve and wait patiently for the tide to turn in your favor again. It always does. Golf is a great example of an activity to change your vibe because it creates a very peaceful, outdoor setting where you can enjoy time with friends or by yourself. So as your realtor, when the cards aren’t falling your way, I advise that you go play a round of golf or some type of activity that brings your joy and peace.

Embrace the Rollercoaster

“Happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and offer thanks for all the troubles we don’t have.”

-Thomas S Monson

A lot of times I feel like I don’t know how to work any harder but there is always plenty of room for improvement in working on myself. Rather than be resentful when things aren’t going my way, I’m trying to give thanks for the opportunity to go back to the basics and find ways to be better. It’s easy to be happy when you’re on a hot streak but if you can still manage to be happy when you’re not, then you’re really on to something!


May 2023 Newsletter


March 2023: Spring - The Power of Presence