May 2023 Newsletter

May: The Best Month of the Year

“All things seem possible in May.”

— Edwin Way Teale

I always compare current years to previous ones and they’re always different but with plenty in common. I always seem to feel a certain way during the month of May. Sighs of relief, gratitude, and excitement as we enter the summer months. Summer is the time to go on trips and get our fill of experience for the year. Knowing that it is around the corner is a great cause for celebration. You can feel it in the air!

May is also when school starts to let out, the April showers have come and gone, and the scenery is filled with green, pink, and red. Not to mention, it’s not too hot and muggy yet and all outdoor activities are back in full force. That’s right, I’m going on record here: May is the pinnacle of the year!  

Another Birthday

“Birthdays are a new start, a fresh beginning, and a time to pursue new endeavors with new goals. Move forward with confidence and courage. You are a very special person. May today and all of your days be amazing!”


Aside from being the most beautiful month, it’s also my birthday month, so it tends to be especially reflective for me. I’ve been young my entire life and am hanging on by a thread here at 38. But for the first time, I’m finally starting to feel like a real adult and surprisingly, I love it! I always dreaded getting older. I think we’re always chasing experiences in our youth and trying to cram in as much as we can but as we get older, we become much more thankful for the smallest things that I never thought twice about when I was younger. Going to dinner with friends or cooking out at home. Enjoying a quiet night in and watching a movie or even going on a walk around the neighborhood. It’s wild! The older I get, the more appreciative I am for life’s smallest pleasures and find the most fulfillment in setting a goal and realizing it no matter how long it takes. I never thought about this sort of thing when I was younger, and it was always GO! Now, excitement seems to come in the non-excitement form, for the most part.

What’s Next?

“Visualization is daydreaming with a purpose.”

Bo Bennett

Every day I have to slow down and remind myself that it’s a marathon not a sprint. There’s so much I’d like to accomplish and so many experiences left on the life list but in the meantime, finding the balance of the work that it takes to not only survive but to reach those aspirations and being intentional about when it’s time to shut it down for the day and shift into activities that bring me joy. Feeling extra thankful this May and I’m excited to see what the Summer has in store!


June 2023: Worry: What is it Good For, Absolutely Nothing!


April 2023