August 2024: So Long, Sweet Summertime

"Saying goodbye to summer is just saying hello to new memories."

 — Unknown

Sad to see you go but I think I’m ready for cooler temperatures. I say that, but oh how I love summertime. People complain about August because it’s too hot, but I think that there’s a good energy that’s rampant this time of year. Trying to savor the last of the season and make it to the beach for a few days before it’s over. Tune out and relax, read a good book, and get some sun while reflecting on how fast this year has flown by and all that’s happened since it began.

A Different Kind of Summer

"Summer should get a speeding ticket."

 — Unknown


This August has been particularly memorable for us as we’ve started to re-enter society after becoming parents back in May. The first 2 months were a blur but then got noticeably easier as we approached the 3-month mark. Now, I’ve lost count of where we are as far as weeks and have embraced our new reality with open arms. Fatherhood has gifted me with a new outlook and sense of gratitude for having made it to this point. With each passing year, I feel much more aware of time and thankful for it. Rather than get caught up in “what could happen” out there, I’m more concerned on showing up and trying to stay consistently positive.


So What’s The Takeaway?

"Dear summer, I'm gonna miss you... until next weekend."

 — Unknown

Uncertainty is scary. Whether it’s a presidential election or recent changes to your profession, the unknown of the future can be overwhelming. So why focus on it? Everythings going to be ok. I’m excited for fall and the holidays to follow. Time to start slowing down and enjoying this season and remembering what made this summer special. Until next weekend!


July 2024: The Importance of Authenticity