June 2024: Memories Are Made in the Summertime

"I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June."

—L.M. Montgomery.

If I had to pick a season where my mood was consistently the best and I have the fondest memories from, it would have to be summer. It’s easy to complain about the heat but that doesn’t take away from the beauty outside. From the sunshine, flowers, and green filled trees, the inviting atmosphere of the season is a recipe for joy and outdoor activities. Summer days also tend to be the fastest and I’m always excited in June because we still have plenty of time left to enjoy all the festivities. So rather than be anxious to get to the future, I’m going to try and savor the moment of this time and this summer. 


Every Year Is Different but Seasonal Moods Are Consistent

"Life is ever-changing, each season bringing its own joys and challenges."



I always compare my current years with the previous, and they’re always different. I think that if a memorable event happened at a certain time last year, something similar will occur around the same time in the current year. That’s not always the case but I do notice I can predict my moods and the way I’m going to feel at certain times.

For me it’s like this: In the winter I can’t wait for spring, then in the spring I feel like I should be in a better mood because it’s finally nice outside and that’s all I wanted in January but I’m not quite there yet. Then June hits and I’m at the top of my game and feel unstoppable, like it’s never going to end. But summer inevitably flies by, and fall is nice and all but its overshadowed but the fear of the impending winter lows, and so on and so on. So where am I going with this? You’re going to accomplish the most when you’re feeling good so now’s your time!


Where To This Summer?

“Take vacations, go as many places as you can. You can always make money, but you can’t always make memories.”

Our travel plans are limited with the newborn but we’ve still got a few excursions that we’re excited about and hope everyone has plenty of fun trips planned and are making incredible memories!



July 2024: The Importance of Authenticity


May 2024 Parenthood: The Next Chapter