May 2024 Parenthood: The Next Chapter

“Parenthood…It’s about guiding the next generation and forgiving the last.”

-Peter Krause

 Granted I’m only 1 week in, but what a journey so far. And it’s only the beginning. I think it’s what a lot of us want and dream about for a large portion of our lives. Building a family, creating a legacy, and finding a bigger purpose that goes beyond ourselves as individuals. But then when it actually happens, holy lord, here we go, let’s do this! You’ve got the buildup of finding out and then the anticipation of waiting for 9 months, but it doesn’t actually hit you until they make their grand entrance and you lay eyes on them for the first time. What an incredible, life altering experience. I feel like all my recent worries and stresses left me in that moment and perspective appeared and slapped me right in the face. Everything else takes a backseat and having someone that’s truly more important to you than yourself is what its all about.


Joining the Club

"There ain't no hood like parenthood"



The love and outpouring of support has been amazing and is much better during a celebratory time than one of grief. I’ve gotten so much great advice and kind messages the last few weeks it almost feels like anyone who’s already been there is along for the ride with us. “Your life’s about to change, but for the better,” and “It’s the hardest thing you’ll ever do but the best thing at the same time.” It’s a lot to wrap your head around, but no pressure! Going into it knowing that we’re going to make mistakes but that we have an incredible support system of those who have already been through it all and that are going through it with us provides enormous assurances. I’m just going to do the best I can.


Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride

“Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don't have to like it, it's just easier if you do.”

- Byron Katie

All change, even positive, can be overwhelming. Being averse to change is a way of clinging to the past, which is always grander in hindsight. Every year is different and my biggest takeaway from reaching this milestone is that every minor thing I’ve been worrying about the last few weeks went out the window the second I entered fatherhood. It’s a quick ride and all the daily stresses we put on ourselves are so insignificant compared to the big picture. Relationships with friends and family and experiences are what’s most important and fulfilling, and enjoying the time we have with our loved ones is time much better spent than living in fear uncertainty and fighting change. What it’s all about.



June 2024: Memories Are Made in the Summertime


April 2024: Predicting the Future