October 2023: Fall, The Most Beautiful Time of The Year

“Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.”

– Lauren DeStefano

Just when you think the world couldn’t get any crazier with 2 horrific wars going on, a deadlocked Congress, and mortgage rates reaching a 20 year high, I look outside and it’s hard to be mad when its Fall time in Nashville. College football, glorious weather, and grilling season make for plenty of reasons to be thankful. My heart goes out to anyone effected by all the travesties out there, it’s quite a time to be alive. All I can think to do is focus on what’s within my control rather than what’s not. Succumbing to fear seems like exhausted energy. No, the best thing I can think to do is to stay upbeat and try to bring joy to those around me. To do that, I have to be in shape myself. But how do I do that you might ask? You’ve come to the right place!

Top 10 Keys to a Well-Rounded Routine

  1. Wake up early

  2. Exercise/eat healthy

  3. Give thanks

  4. Don’t drink so much (on the weekdays)

  5. Go to church, take time to check in with your spiritual side, read a devotion

  6. Therapy – talking out what’s on your mind is always healthy

  7. 1 selfless act per day (at least)

  8. 1 meaningful conversation or interaction everyday – smile at stranger or ask the lady at the checkout counter how her day is going

  9. Volunteer – give some time to someone who could use it

  10. The more time you can spend outdoors, the better

  11.  Call a loved one out of the blue and tell them you’ve been thinking about them

Alright that’s 11 but whatever, you get the point.

Grilling Season

“Grilling is my therapy. It’s cheaper than a shrink and I get to eat it afterwards.”


For a wedding gift, some of my buddies chipped in and bought us a Primo ceramic grill. I tell you, grilling at home post wedding with fall weather might be the greatest thing ever. Smoking meats and the indirect heat option is a whole new world for me. I’ve always loved to cook and now I feel like my game has been taken up to an entirely new level. It’s like an art project where you craft something from nothing and then get to enjoy the experience with friends and family. Some good music in the background, maybe a little wine, and that time to be on autopilot or converse while attempting to outdo a previous performance is incredibly therapeutic. Trying to land somewhere as close to perfect as you can but being satisfied with the experience no matter the outcome!

I Hope everyone enjoys these next few weeks before daylight savings and the cooler temperatures. Happy Halloween!


November 2023: The Power of Visualization


September 2023: Wedding Planning: The Calm After the Storm