November 2023: The Power of Visualization

“You are more productive by doing fifteen minutes of visualization than from sixteen hours of hard labor.”

Abraham Hicks

On the first day of every month, I have a calendar notification set to check and update my Life List. I move things over to the accomplished column and add new dreams with a targeted timeframe. Having done this for more than 5 years, it’s pretty crazy how much has come true right around the targeted date. There have been so many instances of outlandish success stories that have come to fruition with a large part credited to visualization. In the new Arnold Schwarzenegger book, Be Useful, he talks about being young boy in Austria with magazine cutouts of body builders hung up on his wall and staring at them every night, dreaming of how he would one day become Mr. Universe. In the 30 for 30 docuseries episode Survive and Advance, the story of the 1983 NC State Basketball team lead by Coach Jim Valvano, the 4 years leading up to them winning the championship in a magical fashion, they devoted a single practice every season to a mock celebration of hoisting each teammate up and taking turns cutting down the net. The team thought it was crazy at first but by the 4th season, the vision of them winning was so ingrained that they simply couldn’t lose in the NCAA tournament. You can accomplish anything with time devoted each day to picturing the event taking place in every detail. With consistent practice, you eventually silence the little voice that tells you that you’re unworthy into believing that you’re already taking the steps and executing the vision.

Morning Routine

“Your morning routine generates a 10x return for good or for bad. Make it good.”
― Todd Stocker, Becoming The Fulfilled Leader

Before jumping into the excitement of an American workday, it’s important to enjoy a little quiet time to yourself and get your mind right. In doing so, you’re fully equipped to handle any curveballs that come your way once the things kick into gear. I like to exercise first to get it out of the way and enjoy the lasting effects throughout the day. Some coffee, breakfast, and 3 gratitude’s to start off in a positive mindset goes a long way. Then, if I can fit in 15 minutes of mediation with my phone on airplane mode and spend that time in a relaxed state, we’re really cooking. If I can do all of this before 8/8:15 am, the rest of the day is less stressful because I’ve already spent 15 minutes on the beach or sipping a cocktail overlooking the mountains.

Positive Reading

“Think before you speak. Read before you think.”

 – Fran Lebowitz.

Like everyone else, my mind tends to run rampant. I’m a big fan of audiobooks and I try to get in 20 minutes per day. Some positive reading is a great way to kick off the morning or taking the dogs for a walk and zoning out. The way I feel after vs. before is transformative. It reminds me that everyone’s minds consistently play tricks on them and sometimes, you just have to go for a walk and let someone else do the talking to slap you back to reality. Here are 2 I’m currently reading that are very inspiring! Also, Spotify just started adding audiobooks so you can stream for free if you’re a subscriber.

Be Useful – Arnold Schwarzenegger

The Secret – John Assaraf & Murray Smith

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with their family and friends and I am super thankful to all of you for reading!


December 2023: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year


October 2023: Fall, The Most Beautiful Time of The Year