September 2022: The Importance of Originality

“Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible.”

-Frank Zappa

Growing up, our parents always tell us how important it is to be ourselves, which isn’t always easy to understand. When you’re young, you can’t help but mimic what you think is cool at the time and get swept up in pop culture. As an adult, being original comes with a new meaning. It’s a constant reminder to not be envious or jealous of what others have or seem to have. In the day of social media, just because someone is on a beach on a Monday morning or an exotic trip over a holiday weekend while you’re at home doesn’t mean you lead any less of a fulfilling life. The older I am, the more thankful I am for small and often unexciting experiences. Wherever you are in the moment, that’s where you’re supposed to be and in recognizing that comes genuine appreciation.

Be Driven by Passion and Results Will Come 

“At the end of the day, you can’t control the results; you can only control your effort level and your focus.”

Ben Zobrist

Making a point to be original isn’t an effort to please others, it’s to please yourself. It’s easy to let fear of what others might think influence your process but if you’re able to overcome that then the outcome will be much better. I always think of the Kevin Costner movie For Love of the Game where he’s a pitcher for the Detroit Lions and to continue pitching his no hitter he repeats his mantra, “clear the mechanism,” and is able to block out his surroundings and maintain supreme focus. Consistent drive and that level of commitment and focus will yield top results.

“Don’t Worry, Call Whit Murray” Seriously? Lean In My friends……

“Progress means getting nearer to the place you want to be.”

– C.S. Lewis, British author and theologian

I’ve been working on my real estate catch phrase for the last 6 years and just a few weeks ago, my friend Jay finally nailed it. I started off the year with “Your Friend – Above & Beyond!” It wasn’t catchy but it was a start. I’ve wanted to capture what I’m all about in just a few words and with so many realtors out there, why someone should choose to work with me. We were watching the last season of Better Call Saul and that definitely influenced where we landed. Its cheeky but it’s fun and not too serious. I am so thankful to anyone who entrusts me with such a large responsibility I want them to rest assured that I’m going to provide all of my clients with the best possible experience with each transaction and am dedicated to serving them with the highest degree of devotion and customer care. Hey, its original…


October 2022: Good Days/Bad Days


August 2022: Persistence Pays Off