October 2022: Good Days/Bad Days

“A bad day only lasts 24 hours.”


You know when you wake up and just feel off? Maybe you couldn’t sleep in the middle of the night, laid there for an hour or two with your mind racing and right as you fell back asleep, your alarm goes off? It’s not the end of the world, you’ve survived off less and still managed to make the day work for you. But then you get stuck in traffic on the way to work, your coffee at Starbucks isn’t very good today, and then some sort of incident occurs where a person is being unreasonable and it throws you for a loop. Nothing seems to want to go your way and rather than just let it glide off you, you keep fighting in effort to try and alter the course. Well, I’m here to tell you firsthand, you’re having a bad day, and the first step towards recovery is recognition and acceptance. If you’re able to clock out and go home and wait it out on the couch, then as your realtor I highly recommend doing so. Unfortunately though, that’s rarely the case when it comes to bad days. That’s right, we’re going to have to power through and ride this thing out together. Just repeat to yourself, “everything will be better tomorrow.”

Just Get Me to Thursday

“Some people call it Thursday; I like to call it Friday Eve.”


What’s your favorite day of the week? Most would say Friday or Saturday. Both are great answers, you can’t go wrong with either one. If I was given the Groundhog Day scenario I would go with Saturday. I love a good Sunday too. It’s perfect for taking the dogs for a long walk, cleaning the house and getting organized, or simply using it as day of rest. Monday’s aren’t the best but at least there’s unwritten rule about not barraging each other with too many requests or tasks. Bad days typically occur on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. But what about Thursdays? That’s right. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that Thursday is the BEST day of the week.

It’s the moment when our outlook shifts from responsibility towards leisure. Where we can start to reflect on all that we’ve accomplished the previous 3 days and have just a short way to go. Or maybe you cut out a day early for a trip and your weekend has already begun. Anything can happen on a Thursday, it’s yours for the taking!

The Perfect Week

“Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.”

-Robert Collier

At the beginning of the year, I outlined my ideal week by the day and printed off a copy that I keep by my workspace. It allots time that I dedicate towards real estate, music, and social events. From start to finish, I try and organize each week to match how I would ideally conduct each day in a perfect week. If you build it, they will come, and I swear by doing this so that when you reach your stopping point, you can shift towards doing something that brings you joy. Oh, and be sure to allocate plenty of leisurely activities starting on Thursday! Speaking of, Happy Friday Eve!


November 2022: Daily Gratitude


September 2022: The Importance of Originality